The resurgence of bed bug infestations in the U.S. has created quite a stir over the last few decades, as exterminators and scientists alike have struggled with finding more effective methods for removal and prevention. But one beneficiary of Innovation Park residents, the TechCelerator program and the Office of Technology Management, may very well be shifting the landscape of the bed bug epidemic forever.

1. Access to Resources, Talent, and Technology: Happy Valley is home to Penn State University, one of the country’s top research universities. People from around the world come to study and conduct research at Penn State, giving local businesses access to a highly educated talent pool. You also have access to Penn State’s scientific, engineering, and technology resources and grad students. In addition, the area offers world-class conference and meeting facilities at The Penn Stater Conference Center Hotel.

Dr. Jeffery Catchmark will be the first person to tell you that he doesn’t consider himself business-savvy, but he somehow managed to develop an idea for a company that could redefine how to approach wound care. What began as an effort to replace Styrofoam with a more environmentally safe alternative, specifically foam, has taken on a life of its own, with significant potential to impact the medical field and patient care.

Peconic is on the forefront of genetic discovery and technology. Made up of a team of scientists, the company is led by Dr. Frank Pugh, a professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Penn State University, and team members Dr. William Lai and Nina Farrell.

For millions, Earth Day is a time to give pause and focus on the impact our behaviors have on the planet. For more than four decades, April 22 has marked the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement, which began in 1970. Companies around the world make these efforts their focus, but right here in Innovation Park, research and products are developed that have major impacts on our environment.